Artists Call to PEACE
Inspired by collaborative projects like the Aids Memorial Quilt and Sonya Clark’s Beaded Prayers Project, we invite you to help create the “Countdown to PEACE.” Presented in calendar format, the project will begin with March 19, 2003 (the day the war in Iraq began) and will end when the war ends. At this point we are into the fifth year of the war; the calendar format allows us a way to measure the full extent of the war and gives us a visual sense of its continuing scope.
tapestry woven by DTW member Lyn Hart was used for the first exhibit postcard
Each calendar month will be its own presentation board made up of 4-inch squares, 7 across and 5-6 rows down. Each entry will represent one day of this war. We are inviting artists to send us entries that are no larger than 4-inches square, no deeper than l inch, and no heavier than 2 pounds. Limiting size will make display feasible. Work that is included in this project will become the property of the project. The entries will be permanently attached to the “calendar” pages for ease of transporting.
Any media is acceptable. Remember that since only one side of the work will be seen, 2-D approaches are preferred, however clay or metal works done in relief (for example) will also be accepted. Please adhere photographic images or paper entries to foam core or cardboard cut to size. And with all entries, please indicate the TOP of the work.
We intend for the project to be POSITIVE in nature. We are mainly interested in your personal VISION OF PEACE. Please do not use imagery and/or text that is specific to any government officials or policies. Please keep the focus on PROMOTING PEACE rather than on decrying war.
Entries that do not meet the criteria in terms of size or content will be returned to the sender.
Download the Entry Form (PDF), print and fill out all information requested. Send your work, along with $10. PER ENTRY; the entry fee is non-refundable. Make checks payable to “Countdown to Peace.”
Mail your entry and check to:
Countdown to Peace, PO Box 145, Ayden, NC 28513
Money collected from the entry fees will be used STRICTLY to defray the costs of display materials, promotional information, shipping, and insurance.
Our website: is up and running. It will provide information on current developments and will also give participating artists a link to their websites. Our first exhibit was November 2007 at the Mendenhall Gallery on the campus of East Carolina University. Included in the exhibits will be 1. an alphabetical listing of all contributors with the day, month, and year where each entry is displayed and 2. a chronological listing of entries along with artist’s name.