It seems there is a little confusion surrounding membership, subscriptions, & comments, so please accept our apologies & we'll see if we can clear things up a bit!
1. Membership
If you have emailed us to let us know you'd like to be a member, you should see your name (first initial, last name, & state or country) listed in the drop down menu under the box entitled "DTW members" in the left hand column (click on the + to make the list drop down). If your name isn't there, & you want to be listed as a member, please email us so we can include you. Your name will be added to that public roster located here on the blog & your email will be kept in a private membership address book not accessible to blog readers. (Subscribing does not add you as a member-- more on this in a bit...)
2. Subscribing
If you have received this post in an email, you have subscribed to the Desert Tapestry Weavers blog successfully! If you did not receive this post in an email, but discovered it upon visiting the actual blog & reading it here, you have not subscribed. You may subscribe by clicking on the link that reads "receive Desert Tapestry Weavers blog updates via email" under the SUBSCRIBE heading in the left hand column of the blog. Subscribing is an optional choice that is not necessary for membership.
3. Membership vs. Subscribing
This blog is a very public forum, meaning anyone on the web can read & post comments to it, which is desirable because we want to encourage all who may be interested in Desert Tapestry Weavers to come here for information and to spread the word about tapestry in general! However, all who may be interested in DTW may not also wish to be members. For instance, tapestry weavers from other regional groups may want to subscribe to receive news about our activities, but they may not want to get emails that are specific to members.
Also, because of the public nature of DTW's blog, members are listed here only by first initial & last name to protect privacy. Member's email addresses will be maintained in a separate private address book and will not be posted on the blog unless a member chooses to post his or her email in a comment. Although most of our news will be disseminated via newsletters in the DTW blog, there may be occasions that information for members that does not need to be posted to the blog will be sent directly to members' email addresses.
4. Leaving comments
Everyone may leave comments to the DTW blog's posts. It is not necessary to have an account on Blogger.com to do so. Please keep in mind that all comments are readable by all viewers, so do not post information that would compromise another person's privacy.
Follow these steps to leave a comment:
a. After clicking on the "comments" link below a post & getting the pop-up box, enter your comment.
b. Then enter the "word verification" letters in the next field (word verification keeps auto-generated spam from being left as comments because the automated systems that send spam can't recognize or type in the letters).
c. For "choose an identity", just choose "anonymous". In choosing "anonymous", you will not have to sign in or have any sort of account & you should be able to post your comment. Sign your post so we will all know it was from you!
We hope this information clears up these subjects for everyone! If you still have questions, feel free to leave a comment to this post (others may have the same questions!) or contact us directly.
Lyn & Kathy P.